Phone: 403-730-6551

Creating a Culture of Safety in the Workplace | HSE Programs Edmonton

construction-city-of-industry-1512674-639x852For a workplace to be safe, it needs more than the occasional briefing session. A safe workplace needs an ongoing culture of safety that stretches from the top of management to the workers in the field. A culture of safety means that hazard prevention is regular and ongoing, as trained staff know what to look out for to protect each other and themselves from injury.

Employees and Management take an active role in hazard prevention

For a culture of safety to take root in a workplace, all staff members need to take part. Even management should be trained on how to spot a hazard, and take trips to the field. Regular staff members should be up to date on all safety training and be actively engaged in maintaining a standard of safety in the workplace. Regular staff should know how to spot a hazard and feel comfortable approaching other staff and management about safety concerns.

Everyone is trained on appropriate safety equipment

One of the most effective ways to spread corporate culture is through the use safety equipment. Employees without proper safety equipment on a job site should stick out, and fellow employees should be actively engaged in briefing other staff on required clothing and protective gear needed.

Management is actively involved in keeping the workplace safe

All managers at a job site should be briefed on safety standards and understand how to use any required protective equipment. This helps management understand employee needs and remain connected with their workforce.

Managers can take an even more active role by scheduling regular trainings and refresher courses for staff. Managers can also be instrumental in helping create a safety committee that looks out for additional hazards and keeps staff up to date on trainings.

Safety is a part of employee performance evaluations

It may seem like an employee is doing a good job, but if they aren’t doing it safely, an accident can deeply impact a company’s profits. Safety should always be one of a company’s core values and can be an effective judge in how good an employee’s performance really is.

Highmark Safety can help you create that culture of safety in the workplace. We offer a broad selection of safety solutions and have trained consultants that can visit your shop floor before recommending a program.

Call us now for more information on our HSE Programs: 403-730-6551.